Title: Stop the Smudge: A Novel Solution to Loss of Vision During Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
An obscured vision of surgical field during laparoscopic surgery is inconvenient. Several temporary methods were described as solutions to loss of vision, and common practice is scope removal, cleaning, and heating. A lately developed and introduced device claims continuous clear vision during laparoscopic surgery. This study aims to present our initial experience with the device during laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
View the full abstract here: https://journals.lww.com/surgical-laparoscopy/abstract/2022/10000/stop_the_smudge__a_novel_solution_to_loss_of.5.aspx
Download the full article here: https://ciphersurgical.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Stop_the_Smudge__A_Novel_Solution_to_Loss_of.35.pdf