Frequently Asked Questions

No, OpClear will clean the lens using Saline, which has proven efficacy and no testing has been completed with any other liquids.

No, OpClear clears the scope of condensation automatically when inserted in to the patient and stops any condensation reforming throughout the procedure.

No, with such small volumes of saline used in each wash the cooling effect is negligible.

Nothing else is required to maintain a clear lens throughout the procedure without the need to remove the scope.

Currently OpClear is compatible with the vast majority of 10mm zero and thirty degree scopes.

Online chat, email contacts page, quick reference guide, IFUs and local Cipher Sales Representatives.

Video calls, online training sessions can be arranged and targeted to your needs, or contact your Cipher Sales Representative.

The recommended trocar size to use with OpClear is 12mm.

Yes, OpClear requires a separate CO₂ supply either from a cylinder or direct wall connection.

Yes, using a damp swab, the distal lens should be wiped clean prior to attaching the OpClear to remove any staining.

The CO₂ gas flow will automatically work when registering IAP, the wash function is utilised by a single press of the foot pedal.

Yes, the OpClear requires a 12mm trocar.

No, OpClear uses very small amounts of CO₂. OpClear is a laparoscope lens cleaning device whilst the insufflator maintains pneumoperitoneum.

Please contact your local sales representative or Cipher Surgical to arrange training.

Please contact Cipher Surgical for purchase options.

These can be found under the regulatory information section located on the Cipher Surgical Website.

Theatre costs can be significantly reduced by using OpClear. Please visit the cost calculator on the Cipher Surgical website to understand the current cost for cleaning the distal lens and savings made using OpClear.
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