Introduction to Laparoscopic Surgical Procedures
This document is designed to provide the reader with a base level understanding on a range of laparoscopic procedures and how OpClear® can help the clinical team whilst performing them.
It is divided in to key speciality sub groups of;
- Upper Gastro intestinal and Bariatrics
- Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic
- Colo-Rectal
- Urology and Kidney Transplant
- Gynaecology
- Endocrinology
- Procedures that bridge specialities
Further reading can be obtained from the Internet and or text books but there is no substitution to asking a surgical team to observe a procedure as an educational learning experience. In doing so, and whilst observing a procedure, identifying the associated benefits of OpClear® to and for the individual surgeon will make for a personal sell.
This document is work in progress. As we each build our personal experience feel free to add or comment to this educational material.
View the full PDF document here: Cipher Surgical Procedures July 2020